Street Art in Tourcoing

Street Art in Tourcoing

  • French
  • 1h30
  • From
  • Meeting point
    Parvis du Lycée Le Corbusier, 80 rue des Piats à TourcoingMeeting point


How about exploring Tourcoing through the lens of urban art?

Let us guide you through the Virolois and Epidème districts, where the walls are transformed into living canvases. Frescoes, graffiti? trompe-l'œil: the city abounds in a diversity of artistic styles. Go on a hunt for these surprising works that are transforming urban space, and immerse yourself in the world of the artists who have chosen to their creative vision of Tourcoing.

To know

Good to know
  • This tour in French is available on Saturday 5 July at 10am.
  • Please be there 10 minutes before the tour starts.
  • Free for children under 6, with prior booking.
  • Service +: book in less than 24 hours by contacting our advisers by telephone on +33 (0)359 579 400.
