The station area in Tourcoing

The station area in Tourcoing

  • French
  • 1h30
  • Rate
  • Meeting point
    Devant la gare, Place Pierre Semard à TourcoingMeeting point


Built in 1905 by the architect Sydney Dunnett, discover the history of this architectural work with its subtle blend of tradition and modernity, characteristic of the stations of the North. The tour will also include a look at the district and its redevelopment projects, before ending with a 360° view over the rooftop of the Quai Central for a convivial drink.

To know

Good to know
  • This tour in French is available on on Saturday 6 September at 2.30pm.
  • Please be there 10 minutes before the tour starts.
  • Free for children under 6, with prior booking.
  • Service +: book in less than 24 hours by contacting our advisers by telephone on +33 (0)359 579 400.
